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Watch a live action D&D performance on our charming small town bandshell stage led by the original creator of Dungeon & Dragon's Forgotten Realms – Ed Greenwood –  as the dungeon master!

This original Ed Greenwood 3-act quest will unfold live and include a spectacle of cosplayers, writers and illustrators acting out and documenting the live Port Hope-inspired D&D campaign as it happens. The cast of heroes will include some D&D Classic players such as a Fighter, Rogue, Wizard and Cleric. But look out for the baddies!

Do you dabble in life drawing or enjoy writing for comic books or zines? You are welcome to sketch and write with us and create your own zine.

Our team of artists and writers will transform their documentation into a collection of mini zines that feature the backstory and quest of each character. The zines will be produced, exhibited and available for sale in our vending machine in September.

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May the dice always roll in your favour.


15 Elias Street, Lent Lane, Port Hope, ON

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